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Architecture of Brasília and cinema-montage




Cinema in and about Brasília represents itself: origin, canon and discourse. “When I died, one day I opened my eyes and it was Brasília.” Clarice's astonishment is recorded in the films, translated into prose and poetry. The architecture of the New Capital is on stage, it is staged, it presents itself as a setting or protagonist, depending on the discourse and film editing. Brasiliários, a short from 1986, is a montage that is close to the Russian avant-garde and differs from classic narrative or documentary cinema. Based on two texts by Clarice Lispector, it presents a language of fragments. There, architecture is no longer at the service of the characters’ actions; it is the image itself, the scene, the semantic plane of the film.

Author Biography

  • Aline Zim

    PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from the PPG of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Brasília (2018) in Theory, History and Criticism, in the Line of Aesthetics, hermeneutics and semiotics. Master's degree from the PPG of the Faculty of Education of the University of Brasília (2008) in Education, Art and Communication. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2001). She has experience in renovation projects and interior architecture. He worked at the Architecture and Urbanism Center (NAU), linked to the Extension Center of the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB), and on the Olhares sobre Brasília project, linked to the Architecture and Urbanism Observatory Research Project (OAU/UCB). She was part of the organization team for the I Jornadas Brasília Patrimônio Cultural 2013, II Jornadas Brasília Patrimônio Cultural 2014, Exhibition Olhares sobre Brasília at MAMB 2013, Regards sur Brasília - MAL Paris 2015. She is currently a professor of the subjects of Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism , Project, Landscape and Semiotics, Diploma I. She was a professor, coordinator and researcher on the Architecture and Urban Planning course at the Catholic University of Brasília. She is part of the Center for Aesthetics, Hermeneutics and Semiotics (NEHS) and the research group Paisagens Híbridas at EBA / UFRJ. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal of Aesthetics, Hermeneutics and Semiotics (RES) at the PPG of FAU / UnB and of the editorial board of the Journal of Architecture: City and Housing of UniCEUB. She is a member of Icomos Brasil and the Scientific Technical Council of the Mural Art Committee and the Scientific Initiation Committee of the Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB). Professor and researcher in the Master's Program in Architecture and Urbanism at the Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB) in the Research Line in Theory, History and Design in Housing. Leader of the Brasília Research Group: architecture, housing and urban space. Substitute professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Brasília.


BÜRGER, Peter. Teoria da vanguarda. Trad. José Pedro Antunes. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2012.

CHKLOVSKI, Vítor. Sur la théorie de la prose. 1973.

EISENSTEIN, Sergei. Forma do filme. Trad. Tereza Ottoni. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 2002.

LISPECTOR, Clarice. Todos os contos. Org. Bemanin Moser. Rio de janeiro: Rocco, 2016.

MORICONI, Sérgio. Apontamentos para uma história. Brasília: Instituto Terceiro Setor, 2012.

KOTHE, Flávio R. Literatura e Sistemas Intersemióticos. São Paulo: Cortez Autores Associados, 1981.

______. “Estranho estranhamento (ostranenie)”. Transcrito por Suplemento Literário de Minas Gerais da Imprensa Oficial, Belo Horizonte, 20 agosto de 1977. Disponível em: Acesso em: 01 outubro 2017.

TODOROV, Tzvetan. Teoria da literatura: textos dos formalistas russos. Trad. Roberto Leal Ferreira. São Paulo: Unesp, 2013.

XAVIER, Ismail. O discurso cinematográfico: a opacidade e a transparência. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2008.

______________. A experiência do cinema: antologia. Rio de Janeiro: Edições Graal, Embrafilmes, 1983.


2022-11-28 — Updated on 2023-09-15


How to Cite

Architecture of Brasília and cinema-montage. (2023). Revista Estética E Semiótica- RES, Aesthetics and Semiotics Magazine, 12(2). (Original work published 2022)

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