Urban Network, Transport, Tri-Border FrontierAbstract
In the Amazonian tri-border frontier Brazil-Colombia-Peru, land transportation (roads) is used for intercity circulation structuring networks between the cities of Tabatinga (BR) and Leticia (CO). Regular airline fl ights have an important role in the integration of the region. But it is the river transport which appears as main circulation system, formed by extremely complex networks and gaining greater prominence. It is known that the conformation of urban networks is directly connected to the transport system functionality. How the transportation system in the tri-border Brazil-Colombia-Peru establishes and articulates the Pan-Amazonian urban network? Which elements of the dynamics of the diff erent modes of transport enable a re-reading of the urban network in this region? This article, using data collected from extensive fi eld work in the region from 2013 to 2015 seeks to address these issues in order to understand the structure of the Pan-Amazonian urban network. As a result we see the intense dynamics of intra-urban and cross-border transport. Port areas, ports and docks, appeared as important nodes of the urban network in the region and it is through them that cities interact with each other and between the three countries. From this analysis we see the importance of multi-scalar studies relating the micro with the macro-regions, in this case the tri-border with Pan-Amazon.
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