
Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): Dossier Spécial Goncourt
					View Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): Dossier Spécial Goncourt

Organização: Ana Helena Rossi e Joice Armani Galli

Published: 2022-04-01




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caleidoscópio: literatura e tradução

The journal caleidoscópio: literatura e tradução is a publication provided by the Walter Benjamin: tradução, linguagem e experiência research group, which is bound to the Literature Post Graduation Program in Universidade de Brasília and actively present in the Diretório de Grupos de Pesquisa of CNPq since 2012. The journal publishes articles, translated articles, interviews, reviews, translation reviews, translations and poems and images that, together, integrate the artistic dimension that integrates the kaleidoscopic nature of translation. 

The word ‘kaleidoscope’ serves as an inspiration to the title of our journal, given that it recalls the concept uniquely elaborated by Boris Schnaiderman in his work ‘Tradução, ato desmedido’. The etymology of the word ‘kaleidoscope’ traces back to its Greek origin [kalós (beautiful) + eidos (shape, image) + skopein (to look, to glance)]. The kaleidoscope is an optical instrument resulting from the combination of mirrors that project reflections when the small colored stones found in its interior create new shapes. When such concept is transposed to the field of translation, it is capable of defining the act of translation not as a static element but as a fluid act inside a process of several alterations/ changes / visualizations obtained through operations applied by the translator, be they of linguistic, syntactical, rhetorical or visual nature. Thus, translation reorganizes itself within a long process of assemblage of text forms. 

This kaleidoscopic dimension is also configured by the journal’s choice to publish its material in four languages (Portuguese, Spanish, French and English), establishing a dialogue with the internationalization in the scientific exploration provided by research groups, and discussing and publishing with interrelated teams. 

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