Materialization of female universes in Children’s literature: the Spanish translation of Dahl’s Matilda
Children’s and young adult literature. Gender studies. Feminist translation studies. Translation of literature for children. Roald Dahl.Abstract
Cultural and gender studies have provided valuable insights that are relevant for discussion from the perspective of translation studies in the specific field of literature for children. We will work with the Spanish translation of Matilda (Roald Dahl, 1988/2018, Jonathan Cape/Puffin Books) to explore the translation practices regarding the discursive representation (Castro Vázquez, 2009) and materialization (Butler, 1993/2016) of female universes in the translation of Pedro Barbadillo (1989/2018, Santillana Infantil y Juvenil SL/Alfaguara). In addition to the problems inherent to children’s literature, the complex network of feminine universes in this text brings to light the current heteronormativity of patriarchal societies. This therefore requires an analysis of the heteropatriarchal character that permeates both the textual and paratextual production in the culture of origin and the target culture, as well as the translation practices adopted in the translation (Castro Vázquez, 2009). I will work with a concept of translation as an active and ideological practice (Venuti, 1992, 1995), a feminist political position (Flotow, 1997, 2019; Flotow & Farahzad, 2017) that is enhanced by the contributions of transnational feminist translation studies (Castro & Ergun, 2018; Castro & Spoturno, 2020) that allows us to analyze translating practices from a political and ethical approach.
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