Homeless Theories, Stateless Texts: Using Homi Bhabha to Reflect on Language and Translation





Translation. Language. Nation. Post-colonial. Globalization.


The starting point of this paper is the belief that translation as it is done today needs to seriously take cultural and historical aspects into account, and its objective is to bring to the fore a discussion on the need for both the linguistic processes involved in the translation of theoretical works, and the translator, to become more visible. What relationships lie hidden within this old endeavor, which hangs on the alleged correspondence and equivalence of languages, and why does it fall on Comparative Literature to deal with these matters? How could the vacuum brought forth by the pressing issues of the globalized world possibly affect the reception of texts, and why should we worry about it? These questions will be discussed in the light of Homi Bhabha's “The Location of Culture” (2008) and its Portuguese edition published by UFMG, keeping in view the discussion on the acceptance of post-colonial theory in Brazil and the tensions inherent to the activity of translation.

Author Biography

  • Raphaella Mendes Silva de Castro , Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    Professora de língua portuguesa e literatura brasileira do Instituto de Aplicação Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira (CAp- UERJ). Doutora (2015) e Mestre (2010) em Ciência da Literatura pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Licenciada (2009) e Bacharel (2007) em Letras - Português/Literaturas pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Em 2018, realizou 2018 pesquisa de pós-doutorado no Programa Avan çado em Cultura Contemporânea (PACC) da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Aplicação Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira (CAp – UERJ). Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Homeless Theories, Stateless Texts: Using Homi Bhabha to Reflect on Language and Translation. Belas Infiéis, Brasília, Brasil, v. 10, n. 4, p. 01–15, 2021. DOI: 10.26512/belasinfieis.v10.n4.2021.36264. Disponível em: https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/belasinfieis/article/view/36264. Acesso em: 1 mar. 2025.

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