Colonial system and slave labor in the primitive accumulation of capital: the black resistance in the Quilombo of Palmares
Colonial system., Slave labor., Black resistence., Quilombo of Palmares.Abstract
This article approaches the colonial system and slave labor as components
of the primitive accumulation of capital, based on what Marx points out in his work
Capital. We took the Brazilian reality as the center of the exhibition and Quilombo of
Palmares as a landmark of the resistance and struggle of enslaved blacks. Throughout
the text, colonization is situated in the more general context of the establishment of the
capitalist mode of production in the face of the limitations that feudalism imposed on
European nations and on capital as a totalizing system. This time, we expose the
perverse mechanism of slave labor, but also the ability of blacks to face the attacks of
the colonizing metropolis, effecting a true revolution, with organization, security and
defense strategies, in significant proportions for the time and to the material
conditions they lived in.
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