Remote work at a university: working conditions, overload and moral harassment /


  • TATIANA DOS ANJOS MAGALHAES Universidade Federal Fluminense



University. , Remote work. , Working conditions, Bullying. , Public service.



Remote work was implemented in Public Higher Education as a health measure to contain the advance of the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil. However, this measure represented a significant change in the way of working. The sudden character and the more frequent use of communication technologies had repercussions on the working and health conditions of the university community. Thus, this article aims to analyze the working conditions of technical-administrative employees in this period, using a semi-structured interview script as an instrument. The interviews were conducted online, using the Google Meets platform. As a result, the servers mention the lack of institutional support, overload work, increased work demands and moral harassment. The analysis of the impact of remote work on this population is of paramount importance to plan the return to face-to-face of the activities with less impact on the mental health of technical-administrative servers.


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How to Cite

Remote work at a university: working conditions, overload and moral harassment /. SER Social, Brasília, v. 24, n. 51, p. 326–344, 2022. DOI: 10.26512/sersocial.v24i51.43132. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 mar. 2025.

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