Política de Assistência Social no período 1988-2018: construção e desmonte
Federal Constitution of 1988, Social Security, Social Assistance Policy, Single Social Assistance SystemAbstract
Analysis of the process of constitution of the Social Assistance
Policy (PAS), in Brazil, from the regulatory framework of the Federal
Constitution of 1988 until the current context from the Government of Michel
Temer. It presents results of the research Evaluating the implementation of
the “Single System of Social Assistance in the North and Northeast regions”.
As part of the methodological procedures, we carried out bibliographic
review and document analysis; interviews with PAS managers from the
States of Pará, Maranhão and Ceará and with the municipal managers of the
capitals Belém, São Luís and Fortaleza; and we collect testimonials from
scholars and users engaged in this Policy nationwide. The results demonstrate
that PAS was consolidating through the structuring of Suas, and that this
process suffered a profound inflection from the Temer government, through
the imposition of the dictates of neoliberalism expressed in the actions of
reduction of the State and destitution of the rights, characterized by the
dismantling of the Social Security.
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