A pedagogia do capital e o sentido das resistências da classe trabalhadora
work and education, educational reforms, workforce education, youth, resistancesAbstract
This paper analyze the objective conditions and social and political forces as consequence of pedagogy of capital in the current Brazilian political and economical context with emphasis on the workforce education, prepared for social conformation by intensifying precariousness and exploitation; how the reserve army of labour is composed; and the strengthening of the trenches formed by the private apparatus of capital hegemony. This pedagogy also contributes for providing a new meaning for workforce on irregular occupations and some occupations which are regulated as entrepreneurs ”“ it proves that they are mostly young and have little schooling. Moreover, it brings the pedagogy of capital concerning the “reforms” on education system which focuses on young workforce education ”“ high school reform and the Brazilian Common Core Standards. Finally, this paper argues the reason of the labor class resistance and outlines its drawbacks and ways of unifying the progressive political forces agenda for Education.
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