A Pegada Ecológica como Instrumento de Avaliação Ambiental da Cidade de Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul
Lifestyle, Environmental sustainability, Natural resources, Environmental impactsAbstract
The Ecological Footprint (EF) is configured as an indicator of sustainability and quality of
life, well as an environmental accounting methodology which assesses the pressure
from human consumption of natural resources. The EF of a person, city or country is
given by the area of productive land or sea required to sustain their lifestyle, which
involves food, housing, transportation, among others. In this paper was calculated the
EF of Campo Grande city, which resulted in 3,03 global hectares of productive land per
capita, needed to sustain their lifestyle. Were considered to calculate the EF variables:
green area; built urban areas; areas of illegal occupation; beef consumption; food
consumption; emission produced by burning fossil fuels; electricity consumption; water
consumption and waste production. The EF was 12,22% above the global EF and 68,33%
above what is considered affordable for every inhabitant of the planet.
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