Sugarcane bagasse reinforced composite material in the creation of eco-friendly jewellery
Sustainability , Sugar cane, MDF, Composite, Eco-jewelleryAbstract
There is currently a lot of discussion about the environmental impacts of the fashion industry. The designer, as a transformative agent in this process, has the responsibility to incorporate sustainable production methods and products to minimise such impacts. It is in the context of sustainability that has emerged MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard), low-cost ecological panels with different applications, including usage in fashion accessories. However, MDF is responsible for releasing formaldehyde into the atmosphere, causing risks to life on the planet. Therefore, this research aims at the development of composite material to replace it, so we used sugarcane bagasse in the fabrication of eco-friendly jewellery. Methodologically, bibliographical research was conducted, followed by hypotheticaldeductive experimental research. Furthermore, laboratory tests were carried out, such as absorption tests by immersion of liquids, swelling in thickness and impact. Finally, the results were analysed, proving sugarcane bagasse's viability in producing eco-friendly jewellery.
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