A Hard Year, But Also A Year Of Hope
Bad news certainly abounded in 2015, but the year ends with plenty of good perspectives.
To start with, several events confirmed the pervasive feeling that the world is standing on its
head, at least in matters of the environment and international security. Global climate conditions
deteriorated and religious fanatics launched new strategies of terrorist attacks, like those
in Paris on November 13. Religious extremists also surprised the world by establishing a significant
territorial base in the Middle East, in which terror reigns. A persistent situation of extreme
poverty and large-scale hunger in some countries continues to contrast with the prosperity of
wealthier nations. Each continent is affected by regional and national environmental disasters
as well as by episodes of political instability. In Brazil, the failure of a large tailings lake, near
a mine located in Mariana, state of Minas Gerais, caused what is assuming the outlines of the
worst environmental disaster recorded in the country.
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