Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): Sustainability in Debate / Sustentabilidade em Debate

In this second edition of 2021, the Journal Sustainability in Debate - SiD warns about the need for more collective intelligence and actions. The urge is to cope with the various climate disasters observed in recent months and expected to be more frequent with global warming. Despite the technological and scientific advances in climatology, only predicting extreme events, such as heatwaves in Canada and torrential rains in China, do not avoid socioeconomic and environmental impacts. Thus, more coordinated action and commitment to implementing adaptation and mitigation measures to climate change are necessary. Besides the many lessons the Covid-19 pandemic gave us, the 2021 climate disasters also need to be seen as a lesson.
This edition of SiD presents a 10-article section Varia. They deal with the following topics: water crisis, photovoltaic energy, water footprint of food, scenarios for biodiesel expansion, resilience of agroextractive settlements, historical influence of ancient societies concerning water management, the concept of the Anthropocene, university social responsibility analysis, the impact assessment based on indicators of benefits of agroecological markets, and networks of dialogue as a tool for recognition of rural women.