Sustainable Development and the Transformation of Female Rural Labor:
the Case of Women Cattle Ranchers in Uruguay
Desarrollo rural sostenible, Mujeres, Políticas públicasAbstract
Although rural woman are usually considered key to sustainable development at the international
level, their work in cattle-raising continues to be under-recognized by most policymakers from
Uruguay. This fact has forced many young women to migrate towards urban areas, leading to
the “masculinization” of Uruguayan cattle-raising. National statistics tend to ignore unpaid
activities performed by rural women ”“ which they consider as “non-productive”-, as well as
women’s evolving role in cattle-raising. By using semi-structured interviews and participant
observation, this work analyzed: i) the organization of work of women in family farms devoted to
beef and milk production Uruguay, including the role of chiefs, co-chiefs and passive observers,
ii) their decision-making processes, and iii) their personal insights about cattle-raising. Five factors
were identified as key to their work profiles: family relations, socio-economic status, size of the
productive unit, presence of permanent employees, and formal land and/or cattle tenure.
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