Internationalization and dissemination of rural territorial development public policies:

model hypotheses for Latin America


  • Gilles Massardier CIRAD
  • Eric Sabourin CIRAD / França Pesquisador associado e professor visitante no Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável / UnB



Circulation of public policies, Territorial development, Regionalization, Latin America


This article proposes a theoretical and methodological reflexion to analyse the recent and almost
simultaneous expansion of national Rural Territorial Development policies in Latin America. The
paper therefore puts forward three main hypotheses: The first is that of the existence of Latin
American macro-regional models for these public policies. The second is that of the overlapping
of three internationalization processes for these policies: inter/transnational circulation of norms,
especially via international organizations and arenas; policy transfers; a regionalization process
“by below”. The third hypothesis considers an atypical regionalization of this continent which is
undergoing a process of internationalized sectoral public policy dissemination. The general purpose
of the paper is therefore to understand the types of overlapping existing between these
internationalization processes and the ways Rural Territorial Development policies are nationally,
regionally and territorially adapted in Latin America.

Author Biographies

  • Gilles Massardier, CIRAD

    Pesquisador do CIRAD
    Professor de Ciença Politica. Sciences Po Lyon
    Analista das Politicas Publicas
    Co-animador da rede "Politicas Publicas en América Latina"

  • Eric Sabourin, CIRAD / França Pesquisador associado e professor visitante no Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável / UnB

    Possui graduação em Agronomia Tropical e Economia Rural - Institut Supérieur Technique dOutre Mer Le Havre (1979), mestrado em Antropologia e Etnologia - Université de Paris VII - Université Denis Diderot (1979), mestrado em Sociologia do Desenvolvimento - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (1981) e doutorado em Antropologia e Etnologia - Université de Paris VII - Université Denis Diderot (1982).


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How to Cite

Internationalization and dissemination of rural territorial development public policies:: model hypotheses for Latin America. (2013). Sustainability in Debate, 4(2), 83-100.

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