Scientific meetings: from the reputational pyramid to the persuasion cycles
Eventos científicos, comunicação científica, comunidade científica, hierarquia, espacializaçãoAbstract
The paper addresses the topic of scientific meetings. It argues that scientific meetings are a communication strategy that affects the scientific community socially, spatially, and cognitively. The text employs sociological theories as a way of analyzing scientific events. For this, is based on bibliographic and historical research. It is divided in five sections: i. an introduction on the sociological approach on scientific meetings; ii. an account on the rise and development of scientific meetings; iii. a critical review on the Normative Program sociological approach of scientific activities; iv. a critical review on the Discursive Program of scientific meetings; v. a conclusion section, with elements for a sociological approach of scientific meetings. The paper concludes that scientific meetings are spaces that reflect the stratification within the scientific community, but also as persuasion arenas mobilized for knowledge construction.
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