Physics Teaching;, Fedathi sequence;, Meaningful LearningAbstract
We present here a work developed in the school environment with the intention of proposing a teaching position of more dialogue with the students, understanding the student as an active subject in the construction of knowledge. We developed our work by making classroom interventions applying the FEDATHI teaching sequence, initially developed for teaching and research in mathematics. We show how this teaching sequence could be applied in physics and become an important tool for application in problem solving by orchestrating student activities and, we believe, favoring meaningful learning. This methodological sequence was applied in solving problems in physics involving the content of Simple Harmonic Motion, and in all stages of the interventions the previous knowledge of the students were considered and were objects of group discussions, since our research was developed in the Ausubelian optics, Making us realize the importance of identifying the cognitive structure of the students and teaching based on what was discovered, in their previous knowledge, favoring a meaningful learning. From this work was also generated a printed tutorial in the form of a booklet and application for computer and cell phones, containing the data of the interventions, results, analyzes, together with the theory of the topics addressed, trying to generate a debate with the teaching community, about the FEDATHI Sequence applied In physics. Finishing, we conclude that the interest produced in the student by the application of the FEDATHI sequence during classes was increasing and we believe that meaningful learning was motivated in the students. With this we understand that we validate the application of the FEDATHI sequence in physics teaching, especially for applied content in pedagogical intervention.
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