Computational modelling. Simple harmonic motion. Meaningful learning. Investigative teaching sequence.Abstract
The use of educational software has emerged as an effective tool to improve the quality of teaching, especially in the context of integrating informatics into the classroom. In this study, we investigated evidence of meaningful learning through computational modeling in the teaching of Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM). To achieve this goal, we developed an Investigative Teaching Sequence (ITS) using the Modellus software, with the purpose of promoting meaningful learning in students. The methodological procedure involved: 1) identifying students' prior knowledge in oscillations; 2) providing expository lessons to consolidate relevant concepts; 3) preparing the ITS material based on Ausubel's previous organizer; and 4) applying the ITS in student groups under different circumstances. This study was based on Ausubel's theory of meaningful learning and constructivist researchers, and the results indicated that the applied methodology promoted meaningful learning in SHM teaching, as well as an improvement in students' predisposition to learn. We conclude that the use of ITS and Modellus software are favorable pedagogical practices that can assist in the teaching and learning of Physics content, highlighting the potential of educational technologies to enhance the teaching and learning process in the discipline.
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