
  • Jair Jorge Martins de Mendonça Neto Instituto Federal do Amazonas
  • Hyure Souza Monteiro Instituto Federal do Amazonas
  • Aline Cardoso Braga Instituto Federal do Amazonas
  • Rommell Ferreira Martins Instituto Federal do Amazonas
  • Fabricio de Oliveira Farias Instituto Federal do Amazonas



Experimental practice. Inclined plane. Newton’s Laws.


This article approaches a study associated with an experimental practice that was developed in the Physics Laboratory 1 with students from 2nd period class in Physics Degree Course at IFAM-CMC. The activity was part from the associated planning with the Curriculum Component “Experimental Physics I” given in the 2nd semester, 2018. This study aimed to demonstrate the potential of contributions from experimental practice to improve teaching quality and, consequently significant learning by students. In the opportunity, it was proposed to students three cases study about block systems, using the Inclined Plane device, based on interpretation and determination from Newton's Laws parameters. The research has as methodology the experimental exploration on investigation character and had considered the analyzed cases, it is worthy mentioned that students were divided into three teams, which each one had developed their experiment, starting with the assembly step and following the experimental procedures previously defined, thus collecting data and raising specific parameters according to the block system explored based on the theory developed in the classroom environment. Considering the results achieved and discussed, we understand that it is very important to develop activities with this specificity and in a systematized way, given that it corroborates to an enhancing idea for physical concepts learning explored in dynamics field, with Newton's Laws application in block systems by the inclined plane device, providing, the motivation, the interest, the interaction and a significant student's learning.


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How to Cite

SYSTEMS STUDY WITH BLOCKS: A PHYSICS LABORATORY INVESTIGATION THROUGH NEWTONt’S LAWS. Journal of the Physics Teacher, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 3, p. 1–23, 2025. DOI: 10.26512/rpf.v8i3.45573. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.