Analysis of the mathematical assessment regarding the topic "fall of bodies" in the main literature used in the Physics graduation courses in Brazil
Initial teacher education. Didactic transposition. Fall of the bodies.Abstract
There is a concern in Brazil and world about the quality of teacher training. The training teacher process which should specify content and pedagogical techniques needed to teach with mastery, thus contributing to economic and social development. Among the many concerns of experts are the books used in the teaching coursers. Usually, the books do many simplifications or traditionalist didactics, what impairs learning. In this context, the present research focuses on to investigate how elementary books used in the Physics Degree courses introduce the content about "Fall of bodies". Ten books used in the mains Federal Institutions were analyzed. Data show that despite 100% of the books discuss the theme, only 80% use mathematics as support; this number decreases to 30% for more detailed descriptions of resistive forces. There is also a worrying as for mathematical simplification; only 20% of the books analyzed solved the differential equation for the terminal velocity of the falling object for low velocities. Another important result is that none of the analyzed books solved the equation necessary to find the terminal velocity of the object at high speeds. In didactic aspects, it was observed that most of the books treat the theme in a traditional way, not taking into consideration other important Educational Theories. These results point out that teachers working in Physics Teacher Training Courses and also in other areas should be critical of books using.
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