Monitoring the temperature and Moisture of the Classroom with Arduino

an experiment in the format of a workshop of the PIBID-Physics program in a public state school in Ilhéus-BA


  • Adriano Marcus Stuchi Universidade Estadual de santa Cruz
  • Fábio José da Silva Santos
  • Maxwell Siqueira
  • Alberto de Castro Baptista
  • Thiago Carvalho



Arduino. PIBID. Thermology. Information and communication thecnologies (ICTs).


The use of new technologies for the teaching of physics is not only an alternative to improve students' academic achievement, but also a way of making disciplinary contents sometimes distant from the everyday contextualized in their realities. A content that follows this reasoning is that of thermology, because it works with concepts such as temperature, thermal sensation, heat (...) so common to day to day. Thinking about improvements to the teaching of Physics, the fundamentals discussed during a mini-course offered by the UESC (Santa Cruz State University) Physics subproject (PIBID / USEC) with the theme "Basic Arduino Fundamentals for Physics Teaching ", Which presented a brief analysis of the use of this technology in pedagogical practices focused on teaching Physics, reconciling the interest of the Physics subproject in seeking alternatives for the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in school. Faced with the possibility offered by the school institution to put into practice the discussions fomented in the mini course, a workshop was offered to the students, who with the help of monitors, built arduino prototypes and temperature and humidity sensors, obtaining these measures in the school space. It was observed during the activity a great demand on the part of the students and high involvement of the students, and through interviews conducted at the end of the work students' satisfaction was observed when carrying out the activities, mainly due to the innovation provided and the surprise to feel capable and able to work associating technology of reading and interpretation of digital data with the physics present in daily life


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How to Cite

Monitoring the temperature and Moisture of the Classroom with Arduino: an experiment in the format of a workshop of the PIBID-Physics program in a public state school in Ilhéus-BA. Journal of the Physics Teacher, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 121–132, 2019. DOI: 10.26512/rpf.v3i1.19440. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.