Gamification; RIDE DF; Territorial Nucleation; Information Technology; Education.Abstract
The digital literacy component developed by the Family Farming Management and Innovation Center of the University of Brasília (Cegafi/UnB), within the scope of the Ride San DF+ Action, appears as part of the gamification initiative, with the possibility of building knowledge and citizen training on the digital medium to meet the digital information harvesting strategy. This work will focus on promoting digital learning and development infrastructure through the use of gamification for training processes and citizen autonomy. To this end, an approach of journeys and missions is used, with the aim of mediating tools from the digital world, and also presenting when to use them and what precautions to take. The materials prepared for each of the knowledge journeys (Digital Journey, Citizenship Journey and Digital Cartography Journey) are presented to young people selected in five rural settlements located in the Integrated Development Region of the Federal District and Surroundings (RIDE DF), three of which in the state of Goiás, one in Minas Gerais and one in the Federal District. These young people are scholarship holders supported by FAP-DF and are mentored by local facilitators. The platform will also feature a “rewards system”, where young people, after carrying out activities, will earn coins called “Cegafianitos” and will be able to exchange them for rewards that will be available. The initiative seeks to propose, structure, animate, strengthen and autonomize a digital literacy network and support for data management and information production, through the co-sharing of training and information on a collaborative communication and information management platform. information.
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