
  • Larissa de Araújo Costa Pereira Instituto Federal da Bahia
  • Marcelo Santana Silva Instituto Federal da Bahia
  • Ângela Maria Ferreira Lima Instituto Federal da Bahia
  • Eron Passos Andrade Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia


EHS, Innovation


With the intensification of cases of accidents and occupational diseases, it caused the increase of the public budget destined to Social Security, contributing for the government to improve the Public Policies of Health and Safety at Work in order to minimize these indices. In this context, this work aims to deepen the knowledge about the paths for digital transformation, explaining the measures to insert artificial intelligence in public policies on Health and Safety at Work. The research carried out was of an exploratory type, with a qualitative approach, with bibliographic and documentary techniques, in order to analyze in the Brazilian Legislation government actions that stimulate the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases. The main results found were Laws that establish the sending of new occupational information to the E-Social. It is concluded that the E-Social is the innovative framework of the government and has facilitated the inspection and provision of occupational information of the worker.


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How to Cite

AS POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS E TRANSFORMAÇÃO DIGITAL NA ÁREA DE SAÚDE E SEGURANÇA DO TRABALHO. RP3 - Revista de Pesquisa em Políticas Públicas, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 1, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 mar. 2025.