Avaliação de uma disciplina online da saúde:
o olhar do aluno de graduação da Universidade de Brasília
Palabras clave:
Education the Distance, Discipline EvaluationResumen
This study had as objective evaluates the process of teaching learning of a discipline of the area of health presented in the education modality at the distance using the strategy on teaching line. The methodology of used evaluation was of qualitative study, theoretical type and analyze of the students' perceptions with relationship to the existence in the process. The data were collected through an instrument with closed subjects that meditate used by UnB. The results of the study detach contributions with relationship to the planning, execution and evaluation of the lived process, highlighting as progresses the methodological innovation for the process of teaching, of the amplification of offers to the different courses of this university and of the pioneirismo in the offer of disciplines with this learning strategy.
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