Sociocultural factors of depression: a contribution to the mental health social policies




Depression, Mental health, Sociocultural factors, Socioeconomic Factors


This research aims to contribute to the development of new social policies of mental health, related to depression, based on socio-cultural factors.

The research used a mixed methodology in data collection and a questionnaire was applied to 111 people of both sexes (73.9% of the female sex) with diagnosis of major depression, residents of the Lisbon region, Portugal, of which 20 also responded to a qualitative, face-to-face interview.

The main socio-cultural factors encountered were situations of stress and labour conflict (24.3%); emotional loss (19.8%); and situations of conflict or marital separation (18.0%).

Almost two thirds of the respondents (62.2%) believe that some conditions, in addition to clinical care, could help alleviate their suffering (resolution factors). These included: better human support (37.3%); better employment status (24.0%); greater financial support (18.7%).

Based on the findings, the authors propose the following types of social policies to prevent depression: labour policies; social cohesion policies; education and literacy policies; and training of professionals in the early detection of depression.

Author Biographies

  • Fausto José Robalo Amaro, ISAVE

    Títulos Acadêmicos: Doutor e agregado em Ciências Sociais (Especialidade: Sociologia)

  • António Emilio Sampaio Correia, Lusófona University

    Psiquiatra e Doutor em Política Social.


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How to Cite

Sociocultural factors of depression: a contribution to the mental health social policies. Rev. G&S [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];15(3):338-4. Available from: