Expansion of Training for Primary Care
Effect of the Health Residency Policy, Pernambuco, Brazil
Health Policy, Primary Health Care, Internship and Residency, Education, Public Health ProfessionalAbstract
This article aims to analyse the Residency Policy in the Professional Health Area as a strategy totrain professionals for the Unified Health System for primary care qualification. This is a social research, of the case study type, which used Stephen Ball's Policy Cycle Approach as a theoretical-analytical reference, in the context of policy practice and results to investigate the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. A mixed methods approach was used, with documentary research and government data collection (2010-2021), semi-structured interviews with key actors, and descriptive and thematic content analyses. In the historical series, there was a significant expansion of residency programs related to the organization of basic care (family and community health, mental health, collective health), as well as an improvement in the distribution of programs to the interior of the state. Even though challenges and structural problems persist that limit the implementation of the policy, social actors understand the importance of residence in a professional health field in the organization of healthcare networks and demonstrate the capacity for local articulation to qualify governance.
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