Recreational Psychological Intervention for Coping with Hospitalization in Children with Cancer
Coping strategies, Child hospitalization, Therapeutic play, Pediatric psychologyAbstract
The assessment of coping strategies is an important resource for the development of intervention techniques to minimize the psychological impact of childhood cancer. Behavioral effects of a recreational psychological intervention program were evaluated among 12 children with cancer, aged from 7 to 12 years old and hospitalized in a public pediatric hospital. The Computer Assessment Instrument of Coping to Hospitalization (AEHcomp) was used with two groups: G1, submitted to the recreational psychological intervention focused on coping, and G2, submitted to the traditional free play. The between-groups comparison demonstrated no significant difference for facilitating and non-facilitating behaviors during the pre and the posttest. The intra-group comparison showed a significant decrease in non-facilitating behaviors during the post-test, suggesting a possible positive effect of the recreational intervention program focused on coping.
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