Education in rights and promotion of mental health for homeless people
a study on the Projeto RenovAÇÃO - Vulnerabilidade Social - POP RUA, of the Public Defender's Office of the Federal District
Brasília, Brazil, Defensoria Pública do Distrito Federal, Education in rights, Homeless, Mental health, Social vulnerabilityAbstract
This article seeks to present reflections and results of the RenovAÇÃO Project in the Social Vulnerability axis, aimed at homeless people, instituted and developed by the Public Defender's Office of the Federal District. The project was implemented in October 2017 and carried out until November 2018, making a total of 14 groups with 271 participants, including homeless people, FUNAP reeducated, spokespersons for Revista Traços, social educators from Social Approach of Instituto Ipês and welcome and professionals of Casa Santo André. The work methodology used in the Project was that of a reflective and psychoeducational group, which provided a space that opens up to subjectivity and exchanges within a community that coexists and reflects through dialogue, bonding, affection and action. . The present study sought to verify to what extent the RenovAÇÃO Project – Social Vulnerability – POP RUA provided education on rights and mental health promotion for the participants. The methodological procedures used for the elaboration of this article were the bibliographic research on the subject and the documentary analysis, based on the Project reports and on the reports (in writing and audio recorded) of the participants of RenovAÇÃO, in the institutional material of evaluation of the Project . From the analysis of this material, the conclusions pointed to dimensions of learning and human development of reflective capacities and the realization of citizenship, reestablishing social, institutional and support networks ties based on the social function of the Institution, which ensures the right to legal assistance as an instrument for the realization of the rights that make up the existential minimum, transposing them from the normative text to the world of life and facts, operating in the logic of the right to have effective rights.
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