Products of the Recreating oneself/NESPROM research line
who are the stakeholders and how are the (IN)DICA-SUS, BANFISA, VIOLETAS and VIDAS VIOLETAS games used?
Brazil, Educational technologies, Health education, Nursing, Paramedical personnelAbstract
Introduction: The research line Recriar-se: arte, lúdico e educação para a saúde, belonging to the Center for Studies in Education and Health Promotion (Recriar-se/NESPROM/CEAM/UnB), is dedicated to the production of ludic-educational technologies aimed at students, public policy professionals and those interested in gender issues in general, since 2010. Among the games produced are the board games (IN)DICA-SUS (2011), BANFISA (2011), VIOLETAS (2016), VIOLETAS 2ed (2019) and the card game VIDAS VIOLETAS (2020), recently released. Designed through the Recriar-se Lúdico (Ludic Recreate) methodology, a method developed over 12 years of specialized research, these games are available for acquisition by the interested public. Given the current stage of consolidation of the research line and the need for constant improvement of investigations, this study aims to: identify the amount of each of the games acquired over the 12 years of the Recriar-se line; characterize the profile of the purchasers of the games (IN)DICA-SUS, BANFISA and VIOLETAS; identify the potential of these games for educational practices; build a database with information about the interested public to support the improvement of Recriar-se products. Methodology: Exploratory, quantitative and qualitative research, with the application of questionnaires and content analysis. We carried out a comparative survey of the percentage of games purchased between 2010 and 2022, by type of game. Then, an online questionnaire was applied to the 104 purchasers, with 17 respondents, which enabled us to draw a preliminary profile of the target audience interested in the products of the Recriar-se research line, as well as to evaluate the potential of ludic-educational technologies produced in that period. Results/Discussion: the profile of the purchasers consists mostly of women (n=15; 88%), with age between 24-31 years (n=6; 35%), who attended graduate school (n=13; 76%) and work as teachers (n=7; 41%), linked to educational institutions of various levels. The preferred game was (IN)DICA-SUS, because it is considered more “educational”. Among the scenarios of use, the participants reported using them in classes and pedagogical workshops. Regarding the application of the games, the target audience of undergraduate health students prevailed. The evaluation of Recriar-se products was positive among all purchasers and the main suggestion was the need to update the game cards for (IN)DICA-SUS and BANFISA. Final considerations: The investigation enabled the identification of a preliminary profile, preferences and evaluation of games by purchasers, supporting the constant improvement of the Recriar-se/NESPROM/CEAM research line. Adequacy was found between the conception of the games produced and their potentiality as a ludic-educational environment for critical reflections.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gabriela Duarte Almeida Mundim, Maria Raquel Gomes Maia Pires
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