About pandemics and (all) animals rights
Animals, Animal rights, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Human rights, NEDAI, PandemicsAbstract
The health tragedy caused by a zoonosis, which has already killed more than 3 million people worldwide, highlights that talking about animal rights is essentially talking about human rights. The new coronavirus agent (COVID-19) urges us to recognize the interdependence of all living things, and leads us to reflect on the relationship between human and non-human animals. In light of the institutional purpose of the Center for Studies on Animal Rights and Intersectionality (NEDAI / CEAM / UnB), we will review the literature in order to identify the possible relationships between animal rights violations and the proliferation of pandemics that end up also victimizing human animals . We will move on to the history of the main pandemics already faced. We will discuss the programmed effects of the capitalist industry of animal production on the environment and the proliferation of diseases. And we are going to examine two moments when the violation of animal rights ends up turning against human animals, favoring the proliferation of pandemics: the intensive breeding of farm animals and the pet industry. As we will see, as a way of preserving themselves, human animals need to find a harmonious way of respecting the rights of non-human animals and nature.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Vanessa Negrini, Elen Cristina Geraldes, Kenia Figueiredo
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