Guests connected? A study on the importance of wifi in the hotel context
Hospitality; Wi-fi; QualityAbstract
The wi-fi service provided by hotels is a current need of hotel guests, but hotels seem not to be providing this service along with the perception of quality of guests. This research aims to demonstrate to the academy and the current market scenario, the importance of wi-fi in the current hotel context. The study was divided into three stages. In the first, 111929 thousand online comments about São Paulo Hotels were collected and analysed using TLAB Software to verify the main commented attributes about wi-fi and internet. The second stage consisted of applying online questionnaires with 83 people who have already stayed in hotels and the third stage consisted of applying an online questionnaire with eight hotel managers to compare the data with those collected in steps 1 and 2. The data collected demonstrate how important wi-fi internet is to hotels. 51.9% of hotel guests find wi-fi internet very important within the hotel
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