Loyalty programs in the airline ticket market

development and opportunities for future research





Loyalty programs; Points program; Air miles; Consumer behavior in tourism; Tourism marketing.


This article aims to present loyalty programs and emerging trends. As it is a highly profitable market, with expiring points and an increasing number of participants, understanding the behavior of tourists in the decision-making process when redeeming or selling their points is a relevant topic for research on consumer behavior in tourism, since most part of the redemption of points remains for airline tickets. Thus, a bibliographic review was made in order to investigate the current status of the researches that study loyalty programs from the perspective of consumer behavior in tourism, both in Brazil and abroad. With the results obtained, the main study topics for future research are discussed, such as the impact of the emergence of new intermediaries and new technologies in the decision to sell / redeem points and how the consumer perceives this movement when making his decisions.

Author Biographies

  • Carolina Gavinho, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

    Mestranda no programa de Pós-Graduação em Turismo da Universidade Federal Fluminense - PPGTUR/UFF, publicitária formada na UFRJ. Endereço: Rua Itacuruçá, 112 – Tijuca – Rio de Janeiro/RJ. 205150-150 carolinagavinho@id.uff.br 


  • Verônica Feder Mayer, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

    Doutora em Administração pelo COPPEAD/UFRJ, Vice-Coordenadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Turismo da Universidade Federal Fluminense- PPGTUR/UFF. Endereço: Rua Prof. Marcos Valdemar de Freitas Reis, s/n, Bloco H, 3 andar. Campus do Gragoatá. Niterói - RJ. 24210- 201 veronicamayer@id.uff.br https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7543-5215


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How to Cite

Loyalty programs in the airline ticket market: development and opportunities for future research. (2021). Cenário: Revista Interdisciplinar Em Turismo E Território, 9(3), 339-353. https://doi.org/10.26512/revistacenario.v9i3.35097

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