Introduction to the dossier Genealogies of a Latin American Thought Incarnated: Writings of one another, in and on an inhabited territory


  • Rosamaria Giatti Carneiro University of Brasilia
  • Ana Gretel Echazú Böschemeier Department of Anthropology/PPGAS/UFRN
  • Mónica Inés Cejas UAM-X, Estudios de la Mujer y Feministas



Introduction to the dossier Genealogies of a Latin American Thought Incarnated: Writings of one another, in and on an inhabited territory

Author Biographies

  • Rosamaria Giatti Carneiro, University of Brasilia

    Rosamaria Giatti Carneiro is a mother, feminist, anthropologist, associate professor in the Department of Collective Health of UnB and in the Graduate Program in Comparative Studies on the Americas also at UnB. She is co-coordinator of the research laboratory CASCA (Collective of Anthropology and Collective Health of UnB). Coordinated the Extension Project "Latin Women make art" at the University of Brasilia. Research and interest in the field of sexual and reproductive rights, public policies, motherhood, women's movements and female readings of the Americas. Contact:

  • Ana Gretel Echazú Böschemeier, Department of Anthropology/PPGAS/UFRN

    Ana Gretel Echazú Böschemeier is a mother, feminist, adjunct professor at the Department of Anthropology/PPGAS/UFRN, translator at The ReCanone/UFRN Project and researcher at CNPQ. She is part of the Feminisms, Cultura y Poder network, is an ambassador of the Parent in Science Movement, is part of the evaluation committee of the II Cycle of Anti-Racist Actions of UNESCO/UNTREF and the Central Committee of Ethics in Research of UFRN. He works in the areas of Epistemic Pluralism, Human Rights, Intersectionalities, Southern Feminisms, Decolonization, Ethics and Collective Health.

  • Mónica Inés Cejas, UAM-X, Estudios de la Mujer y Feministas

    Mónica Inés Cejas, born in Argentina, studied in Mexico and Japan. She lives and works in Mexico (UAM-X, Women's Studies and Feminists). From there she tries to establish links from the South around women's struggles. She is particularly interested in the intersection of gender, nation and citizenship, memory politics and feminisms in Africa (especially in the history and present day of South Africa). Cultural and feminist studies are the source of these reflections. Contato:


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How to Cite

Introduction to the dossier Genealogies of a Latin American Thought Incarnated: Writings of one another, in and on an inhabited territory. (2021). Journal of Resarch Studies on the Americas, 15(1), 1-16.

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