Agenda de Inovação no Brasil


  • Sandro Ruduit Garcia Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Innovation, Innovation System, Economic Sociology, Brazil


The purpose of this article is to analyze the responses of innovation policies to the contours of the economic process in Brazil in the recent period. Data were obtained from secondary sources, notably reports, regulations and official statistical databases available on Ministries websites. It is assumed that innovation is a relational socioeconomic process whose achievement depends always on a complex network of actors and difficult changes in social practices. The study is guided by the conjecture that the achievement of an agenda of combined policies of induction, regulation and economic competition would favorably the advancement of capacities, interactions and complementarities of the productive actors towards the formation of innovation systems. This required, among other factors, new concertations between forces from the public sector and the private sector, since traditional productive actors would tend to resist the process, failing to engage with the agenda, triggering power resources to pressure state actors to support and legitimize reproduction of its scope of action, and obliterating the unfolding of the process.

Author Biography

  • Sandro Ruduit Garcia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
    Sandro Ruduit Garcia é Doutor em Sociologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
    Professor Associado do Departamento de Sociologia e Professor Permanente no Programa de Pós-Graduação em
    Scoiologia, IFCH-UFRGS. Autor dos artigos “Vida Sociopolítica em Mercados Culturais na Cidade de Porto
    Alegre”, Sociedade e Estado, 2019; e “Sentido das Mudanças: economia criativa e implicações sociais em Porto
    Alegre”, Ciências Sociais Unisinos, 2017. Organizador do dossiê “Processos sociopolíticos e desenvolvimento
    econômico no Brasil” (em colaboração com Elder P. M. Alves), Latitude, 2018.





Dossier: Neoliberal resumption or continuity? (Des)Paths of democracy and develo

How to Cite

Agenda de Inovação no Brasil. (2019). Journal of Resarch Studies on the Americas, 13(2), 114-140.