SASSEN, SASKIA (2010). Territorio, autoridad y derechos: de los ensamblajes medievales a los enssamblajes globales, madrid: katz


  • Alena Profit Graduada em Humanities pela Unversity of London/ Open University.


Assemblages. Denationalization. Globalization. Nation-state.


This review analyzes Saskia Sassen’s book “Territorio, autoridad y derechos: De los ensamblajes medievales a los ensamblajes globales”. The general question the book elaborates onis: How to study and theorize foundational transformations in and of complex systems? Globalization has become a veritable key word of our time, but its relation to the processes of denationalization within the nation-state as principal trigger of this process remains undertheorized. Sassen’s argument concentrates on the idea that the national paves the way for the global. By analyzing the three socio-political components territory authority and rights, through the analytical categories tipping points, capabilities and organizing logics, the sociologist follows their changes and interactions in three historical eras, the medieval, the national and the global realm. Given the complex frameworks the transformations operate in, it is pointed out that the interdependencies of the denationalization processes require a historical approach to overcome one-sided analytical perspectives.







How to Cite

SASSEN, SASKIA (2010). Territorio, autoridad y derechos: de los ensamblajes medievales a los enssamblajes globales, madrid: katz. (2014). Journal of Resarch Studies on the Americas, 7(2), 281-288.