Convenção Internacional sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência, Lei Brasileira de Inclusão, Educação InclusivaAbstract
This article revolves around the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which represents a social achievement for individuals with disabilities, considering its provision of various rights such as access to healthcare, education, and employment; the fight against discriminatory acts, as well as inclusion, accessibility, and equal opportunities. The research was delimited to explore the struggle for the recognition of people with disabilities within civil society along with the impact of the Convention on the international legal protection of these individuals. The validity and effectiveness of the treaty in the Brazilian legal system were highlighted, given that the ratification of the Convention and the enactment of the Brazilian Inclusion Law radically altered some existing norms, revealing a negligence of the country in guaranteeing the rights of these individuals, especially concerning inclusive education, which requires socio-juridical and political measures for its protection. In this regard, the study employed a deductive method, analyzing from a general object to the specific. Regarding the technical procedure, both documentary research involving the analysis of international treaties and domestic legislations, as well as bibliographic research, including the reading and systematization of doctrinal books and scientific articles published on the subject, were carried out. Nevertheless, despite the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities being ensured by the International Convention, it was observed in practice that the main obstacles regarding the effectiveness of education, both from the treaty and the Brazilian law, are still present in civil society.
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