Right, Psychology, Violence against womenAbstract
According to Moita Lopes (2006), one of the phases through which Applied Linguistics passes is centered on the concept of interdisciplinarity, that is, on the possibility of dialogue with different fields of knowledge. This same concept is applied to the field of Psychology of Law, since this discipline articulates both Law and Psychology in order to understand human behavior. (LAGO 2009). For this reason, the objective of this article is to discuss the legal past that precedes the publication of Law nº 11.340/2006, through the analysis of the Philippine Ordinances and the Criminal Code of 1830, in order to understand the path of evolution of the normative instruments aimed at the fight against violence against women in Brazil and whether, in fact, this normative evolution also implies a change in the mentality and behavior of the social body. For this, it starts with an approach of an interdisciplinary nature materialized in the choice of Psychology of Law as the theoretical basis of this discussion. In this way, it was possible to conclude that although it is important for the law to accompany social changes, since it is a social science itself, it is crucial that society knows and can follow the changes that the legislation promotes, especially when these changes represent an advance in the face of social problems that deserve our attention and therefore need to be fought.
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