

Haitian Revolution. Citizenship. Constitutional right.


The historiography of Constitutional Law is, even today, articulated from a Eurocentric narrative, with few studies and theoretical articulations that analyze how the conjuncture of other historical episodes, which occurred outside the European continent, influenced the construction of Brazilian constitutionalism. According to Winnie Bueno, the silence on the Haitian Revolution in constitutional historiography does not happen by chance; this invisibility is due to one of the faces of structural racism, understood in three dimensions: economic, political and ideological, even recognizing the ethnic diversity of its constitution, the society of the time legitimized slavery. There was a need to understand: the historical aspects and the way in which the Haitian Revolution took place; what are the repercussions and contributions of the Haitian Revolution on Brazilian Constitutional Law and; what is Citizenship and how it was built in the Constituent Assembly of 1823. To meet this purpose, the research had an exploratory-descriptive and qualitative character. Thus, there is a commitment to amplify the knowledge produced from other logics, social dimensions and epistemologies, which were vilified and suffocated by the colonial, capitalist and slave system. In this way, it is necessary to (re)semantize the national constitutional law and the idea of citizenship from the processes of struggle of the movements and various aspects of the São Domingos Revolution, aiming at an Afro-diasporic epistemology and bringing the Afroperspective as a structure to rethink the Brazilian constitutional narrative.

Author Biographies

  • Caio Pereira Negrão, Universidade Federal da Bahia

    Bachelor of Laws at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). Legal Intern at MoselloLima Advocacia. Monitor of History of Law and Research Methodology in Law. Director of Human Rights at the Union of Students of Bahia (UEB). Member of the Research Group "Historical State, Law and Human Rights: interactions between society, traditional communities and the environment".

  • Raissa de Jesus Nascimento, Universidade do Estado da Bahia

    Graduated in Law at the University of the State of Bahia. Legal Intern at Freitas, Leal e Campos Advocacy and Consulting. Monograph I Teaching Monitor at the State University of Bahia. Member of the research groups "Criminal Process and Democracy" and Guilt and Responsibility in Economic Criminal Law. Vice-President of the Central Directory of UNEB Students. Chairman of the Fiscal Council of the current management of the Academic Directory Cosme de Farias.


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How to Cite

THE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO CITIZENSHIP IN BRAZIL AND THE INFLUENCE OF THE SÃO DOMINGOS REVOLUTION:: AN APPROACH FROM THE PRISM OF DECOLONIALITY. Revista dos Estudantes de Direito da Universidade de Brasília, [S. l.], v. 18, n. 2, p. 90–116, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.