Female Imprisonment. Maternity. Home Prison. Human Rights.Abstract
Affective experience between mothers deprived of freedom with their sons and daughters, in the city of Vitória da Conquista – Bahia. Despite the existence of constitutional and international norms that regulate the dynamics of incarceration, the literature on the subject is based on the perspective that prison institutions favor the violation of human rights. Thus, this research intends to investigate the conditions for the experience of motherhood by women deprived of freedom in Vitória da Conquista, Bahia. Thus, the following hypotheses emerged: whether the rights guaranteed to incarcerated mothers materialize or whether there is any obstacle to maintaining the affective bond between these women and their sons and daughters, due to the imprisonment condition. In view of this, the present study, therefore, aims to know the factual circumstances in which these women are inserted and, finally, to analyze whether there is an effective materialization of the rights that are guaranteed by the current legal system. In this bias, the empirical research was conducted using the dialectical method, through a qualitative approach. Likewise, the exploratory research allowed the study of the theme under several aspects, aiming at a better understanding of the proposed problem, such as a bibliographic and documental survey and interviews with people who have practical experience with the researched problem. Thus, it is estimated that the debate on the experience of motherhood by women in prison conditions is essential for civil and academic knowledge and will also contribute with possible reflections on the main obstacles to the realization of formally guaranteed rights to a healthy and, also, think of possible practical solutions.
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