Constitutional Law, Law and Regulation, Sharing EconomyAbstract
This article aims to examine the limits of state regulatory power regarding the competitive environment and the exercise of professions within the framework of the so-called sharing economy. For this purpose, it analyzes the ADPF nº 449/DF, in which the Brazilian Supreme Court declared the unconstitutionality of a municipal law that prohibited the use of private cars, registered or not in applications, for the transport of individuals (Lei nº 10,553/2016 of the Municipality of Fortaleza/CE). The work is divided into three chapters, through which it seeks to examine the main arguments put forward in favor of this restrictive measure: (i) the protection of the traditional players of passenger transport market vis-à-vis the new entrants; (ii) the consumer protection; and (iii) the protection of urban and traffic planning. By contrasting such justifications with the constitutional status of fundamental freedoms and by listing empirical aspects related to private transport services through applications, the article’s purpose is to demonstrate that prohibitive measures such as contained in the above mentioned unicipal law are not sheltered by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988.
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