Litigância climática. Crise climática. Mudanças climáticas. Direito ambiental. Sul global.Abstract
In 2020 there was a turning point in the Brazilian climate litigation scenario. A movement that had been gaining strength in international courts and other countries remained small and diluted in Brazil, a large emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG). However, the emergence of new Brazilian cases that directly address climate change shows a new possibility of tackling the climate crisis and a possible increase in engagement with the issue. This paper proposes, through a literature review, to analyze the Brazilian position in the global phenomenon of climate litigation and its domestic context. To this end, the text is divided into: i) a general introduction on climate litigation and the urgency of action; ii) the domestic context and relevant jurisprudence; iii) characteristics within the global context; iv) useful legal instruments and; v) conclusion. Observing these characteristics, is a way to outline new strategies to fight the climate crisis in Brazil and open the dialogue on the subject, engaging important parts of civil society for an increasingly urgent fight.
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