Decree 9.450/2018. Prisoners and egresses. Federal Court of Accounts. Federal Supreme Court.Abstract
The aim of this research is present the procedural steps from the scope of Federal Court of Accounts and Federal Supreme Court in accordance with the debate about decree 9450/2018, which instituted the National Labor Policy from the scope of Prison System, that allows the insertion, from the scope of Public hiring, of people deprived of liberty and egresses of Prison System, in the labor market and income generation. The Legal and Administrative debate in both Courts is the object of this research, aiming at explain if the referred decree is in accordance with what is provided by law 8666/93 or if extrapolate the determination of the referred Bidding law. In addition, the methodology used is the experience report, whereas all the informations were derived by the Advocacy work engaged from the scope of Federal Court of Accounts, which allows the detailed knowledge of the theme, in order to help the readers in development of a reflexive comprehension about it.
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