Legal form and dependence: appointments for a marxist critic of law on the periphery of capitalism


  • João Victor Venâncio Vasconcelos do Nascimento Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


Law, Capitalism, Dependence, Marxism, Anticolonialism


The emergence of the general theory of law cannot be effectively understood outside the real movement to which it was co-simultaneous, that is, the emergence of the capitalist system. Thus, the historical process of elaboration of the legal form as a complex of abstractions that materialize the concealment of the burgeois specificity that fills the legal determinations of material meaning, will be analyzed to identify the particularities that the legal form express on the context of Latin-American dependent capitalism. The abstract character of the basic categories of law gives them universal applicability, associated with the expanded reprodution of capital, whereas these categories, in fact, express objective elements of capitalist sociability. In this sense, seeks to verify what is universal, as well as what is particular in the expression of the legal form in the Latin-American depedence reality, as from the historical process of insertion of Brazil, as a formally independent peripheral country, in the capitalist totality. In this sense, it is identified that the specific determinants of dependent capitalism correspond to a legal form that also presents its particularities.


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How to Cite

Legal form and dependence: appointments for a marxist critic of law on the periphery of capitalism. Revista dos Estudantes de Direito da Universidade de Brasília, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 1, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.