The National Congress and the judicialization of politics

the influence of lawmaking process in Supreme Federal Court's decision-making in the special jurisdiction ruling


  • Diego Ferreira Pimentel Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana


Judicialization of politics;, Institutional dialogues;, Judicial activism;, National Congress of Brazil;, Supreme Federal Court


The focus on the performance of the Supreme Federal Court on political issues raises important questions about Constitutional Law. In this scenario, judicialization of politics and judicial activism have become first-rate issues. However, we can see that these discussions have focused only on eminently judicial aspects. Thus, an important discussion about how exogenous factors to the judicial activity, such as parliamentary activity, influences the decision-making of the Court is neglected. Because of that, the research carried out in this paper sought to demonstrate how the performance of the National Congress of Brazil affected the Supreme Federal Court performance on the trials of Criminal Actions 313 and 937 that restricted parliamentary immunity. For this, an inventory of the Propositions of Amendments to the Constitution that have gone through the National Congress on the subject and how they were decided from the timeframe of the Court's decisions was implemented. The aim was to observe whether the Supreme Court's action took place in a vacuum of legislative action and, reflexively, whether the decision-making of legislators affected the course of both trials. It was noted that in both cases, the legislative deliberations did not influence the rulings analyzed.



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How to Cite

The National Congress and the judicialization of politics: the influence of lawmaking process in Supreme Federal Court’s decision-making in the special jurisdiction ruling. Revista dos Estudantes de Direito da Universidade de Brasília, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 1, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.