Graduate in law. Juridical Audit. Course Plan. Education Plan. Lesson Plan.Abstract
The growth of computer systems, the continued development of the media and continuing verification of business results require mechanisms to achieve the optimization and verification of the actual results, making the juridical audit a strategic piece for efficient identification of critical points in the legal structure of one institution.
The juridical audit is one of the most efficient activity in business, because ensures that after thoroughly inspected, the company improves its legal structure, correcting errors and avoiding future problems, such as damage, loss of credibility and bankruptcy. Besides, it can use such benefit before its competitors, when consolidating itself for its transparency front to the market and still come to apply on certifying quality companies.
In this bias, the proposal of inserting the discipline of juridical audit in the formation of the modern lawyer assumes the role of providing one more ability to the students who are about to get a diploma on law: to perform an intelligent legal advisement through a preventive advocacy which would provide preventive and advocacy pro-active services in the business view of the legal issues.
One of the main objectives of the course will give to the student technical capacity to produce a planning law that will make the company more effective, within the law, for the competitive market, giving all a social vision of the institution, the employees, the various departments of hierarchy, still providing an interdisciplinary character, providing not only legal expertise but also administrative, both bases for basic structure as a competent professional.
The course will be ruled by three traditional teaching tools, but innovative and reformulated: Course Plan, incorporating the requirements and criteria, Education Plan, with the objectives, content and methodology and Lesson Plan, with the planning of the teacher.
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