Systems Theory. Justice. Juridical norm. Abortion.Abstract
From the analysis of the recent decision on abortion, this work seeks to inquire a normative
posture that the judge must present, above all, in the face of this discussion. It is not a
question of analyzing abortion from the perspective of a judicial policy. Using Luhmann’s
sociology, the autonomy of law and the difference of functionality between systems require a
theoretical and epistemic commitment of the judge, especially in the face of a highly complex
and multicultural society. Minister Barroso's vote-view (HC nº 124.306/RJ, First Panel, DJe
3/17/2017) represents an inconsistent juridical position, which leads to unjust legal issues. It
is intended to question Min. Barroso’s normative position, in this specific vote, based on a
methodological inadequacy and its legal realism.
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