Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The file for submission is in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF.
- References’ URLs are listed when it is possible.
- Line spacing corresponds to 1.5 cm; the text is written in 12-point Times New Roman font; uses italics rather than underlined phrases (except for URL addresses); any illustrations and tables are inserted in the text containing proper legends and labeling, and not at the end of the document in the form of attached files.
- References are in conformity with the NBR 6021:2002, 6022:2003, 6023:2018, and 10.520 norms of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (corresponding to the Portuguese acronym of ‘ABNT’). References must be included in footnotes and at the end of the text utilizing bold rather than italics.
- The text follows all stylistic and bibliographic requirements as stated on the section ‘Editorial Policies’ and 'Submissions' of this website.
- The journal article is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by any other scientific journal; if not, authors must provide a proper justification on the “Comments for the editor” section. In case the journal article is approved for publication by another scientific journal, authors must immediately cancel their submission to RED|UnB. Exceptionally, articles published in scientific conference proceedings are allowed to be submitted to RED|UnB, but this condition must be informed on the “Comments for the editor” section.
- Authors and coauthors must have a registered and duly updated Lattes Curriculum (only if working in Brazil), as well as an ORCID digital identifier.
- The submitted article is anonymized, not containing information, including in the file's metadata, referring to the authorship of the work;
- The articles must be elaborated by, at most, 4 authors. Sumissions of articles that exceed the limit of authors should be instructed with a justification, which must be included in the "Comments to the Editor" field.
- The article contains 15 to 25 pages.
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University of Brasilia Law Students' Journal’s (Revista dos Estudantes de Direito da Universidade de Brasília [RED|UnB]) Board of Directors - Print ISSN: 1981-9684 / Eletronic ISSN: 2177-6458.