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Author Guidelines

Journal articles submitted to the appreciation of University of Brasilia Law Students' Journal may be written in Portuguese or in English. As stated in the ‘Editorial Process and Policies’ section of this website, all of the submitted journal articles must be original and unpublished and must not be under the analysis of another periodical journal. Furthermore, all journal articles will be put through the double blind peer review process.

The Editorial Board will reject all work that does not meet the minimum requirements or that are not aligned with the Journal editorial policies. Works published as a result of activities financed by any funding agencies, like CNPQ, CAPES, FAPESP, among others, must mention clearly to the support received after references, in the following model:

  • a) work signed by an author: ‘This work was carried out with the support of the (Fully written name of the aiding organization).’;
  • b) work signed by more than one author: ‘Beneficiary of financial aid of (Fully written name of the aiding organization).’;

When registering the author and submitting the article, it is necessary to fill in all the following data related to the author:  full name, title, full address of one of the authors, e-mail contact, institution to which he/she is linked, his/her status as a student, professor, etc., city and country and summary of the biography. The mentioned information must not be shown in the text body.

Moreover, it is necessary that the author informs, when registering, the metadata referring to keywords and summary of the article, both in English and Portuguese.

After accepting the article for publication in an issue of RED|UnB, the authors must provide the ORCID identifier. More information on ORCID may be found on the following website:  


Submission Format

The document for evaluation must have the following format .

I. Options for text editing


OpenOffice; and


II. Document configuration

Page size: A4 (29,7 x 21 cm);

Margins: superior 3cm, inferior 2cm, left 3cm and right 2 cm;

Font: Times New Roman, size 12;

Line spacing: 1,5 (between characters, words and lines);

Amount of pages: the document must have between 10 (ten) and 25 (twenty five) pages, including the bibliographic references.

Illustrations, charts and graphs cannot be coloured and must be in an editable format ( Word, Powerpoint or Excel), having size 10 font and sequential enumeration in Arabic numerals, with titles, the source of the information and subtitle, if needed.   

III. Content on the first page

The essay’s title (without abbreviations) centralized , in Portuguese and English;

The abstract in Portuguese and in English, containing the purpose of the essay, the methodologic resources used, the results and findings reached, with a minimum of 150 (hundred and fifty) characters and maximum of 300 (three hundred) characters;

“Palavras-chave” (in Portuguese) and keywords  (in English) - between 3 (three) and 5 (five) , separated by semicolons.

IV. Citations

The citations must be formulated according to the NBR 10520:2002 rule of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT). Footnotes must be used, as stated in the Submission Notice (2023).

V. References

The references have to be formulated according to the NBR 6023:2002 rule of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT). References must be displayed in alphabetical order at the end of the article, following the ensuing general rules (consult the complete norm for the cases not stated here):

Abbreviate  the forename (s) of the author (s) after their surname (s);

If the publication has 4 (four) or more authors, reference only the first and follow by adding the expression et. al;

The references must cite only the works mentioned inside the text itself. (direct and indirect citations, according to NBR 10520:2002);

Bold must be used on the title of the publication. (the subtitles are not italicized);

Verify if all references mentioned in the text are stated in the list at the end and vice-versa.



AUTHOR'S SURNAME, abbreviated forenames. Book title: subtitle. Location of the publication: publisher, year of publication.

Chapters in books

AUTHOR'S SURNAME, abbreviated forenames. Chapter title: subtitle. In: AUTHOR'S SURNAME, abbreviated forenames. Book title: subtitle. Location of the publication: publisher, year of publication. First and last pages.


AUTHOR'S SURNAME, abbreviated forenames. Article title: subtitle. Periodical title, location of publication (opcional), volume  (v.), issues number (n.), first and last pages of the article, month (s) ex: (jan./mar.). Year of publication.

Obs: For scientific articles, preferentially add the DOI at the end of the reference.

Theses, dissertations and monographs 

AUTHOR'S SURNAME, abbreviated forenames. Title of the theses/dissertations/monographs. Year. Number of pages (169 f.). Theses, dissertations and monographs (Doctors, Masters or Bachelors in ... (main subject/ field? / area of specialty) – academic affiliation (postgraduate program, college, university etc.), place where defended, year of publication.

Scientific conference proceedings 

AUTHOR'S SURNAME, abbreviated forenames. Article title: subtitle. In: Name of the event (in CAPSLOCK), events edition (11., 5., 24. etc.), year, place (city) where the event was held. Annals...Local: Publisher, date of publication, first and last page (if existing). Available at: <url, if existing>.Accessed : day . month (abbreviated). year.

Electronic document

BRAZIL. Congress. Law nº 10.973, enacted on 2th of december of 2004. Verses on incentives to innovation and scientific research and technology in the productive space and other measures. Available at: <>. Accessed : 25 aug. 2013.

The author(s) that neglect to fulfill the parameters described here  will have their articles returned to execute the adequate changes.


Measures to maintain anonymity

In order to ensure the integrity of the double-blind peer review, both authors and reviewers must take every possible care not to reveal their identities throughout the process. This requires authors, editors and reviewers to take some precautions with the text and document properties:

  • The article’s authors must exclude their names from the whole  text and, when proceeding to perform self-citations, do so in third person instead of referring to “my previous work”. There must not be any type of identification of the authors in the document (mini resume underneath the article’s title, footnote with author’s data, reference in the body of the text to previous published work that refers to the authors in any way other than the third person)
  • In submitted documents, the author's identification must be removed from all document  properties and metadata.
    • In Microsoft Office documents, the author’s identification must be removed from all document properties (in FIles menu > Properties): by starting in File, in the main menu, and then clicking: File > Save as… > Tools (or Options on MAC) > Safety Options > Remove personal information from  file when saving > OK > Save.
    • In PDFs, the author’s names must also be removed from document properties, under File in Adobe Acrobat main menu.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The file for submission is in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF.
  • References’ URLs are listed when it is possible.
  • Line spacing corresponds to 1.5 cm; the text is written in 12-point Times New Roman font; uses italics rather than underlined phrases (except for URL addresses); any illustrations and tables are inserted in the text containing proper legends and labeling, and not at the end of the document in the form of attached files.
  • References are in conformity with the NBR 6021:2002, 6022:2003, 6023:2018, and 10.520 norms of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (corresponding to the Portuguese acronym of ‘ABNT’). References must be included in footnotes and at the end of the text utilizing bold rather than italics.
  • The text follows all stylistic and bibliographic requirements as stated on the section ‘Editorial Policies’ and 'Submissions' of this website.
  • The journal article is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by any other scientific journal; if not, authors must provide a proper justification on the “Comments for the editor” section. In case the journal article is approved for publication by another scientific journal, authors must immediately cancel their submission to RED|UnB. Exceptionally, articles published in scientific conference proceedings are allowed to be submitted to RED|UnB, but this condition must be informed on the “Comments for the editor” section.
  • Authors and coauthors must have a registered and duly updated Lattes Curriculum (only if working in Brazil), as well as an ORCID digital identifier.
  • The submitted article is anonymized, not containing information, including in the file's metadata, referring to the authorship of the work;
  • The articles must be elaborated by, at most, 4 authors. Sumissions of articles that exceed the limit of authors should be instructed with a justification, which must be included in the "Comments to the Editor" field.
  • The article contains 15 to 25 pages.

Privacy Statement

RED|UnB treats personal data in accordance with the principles and fundamentals of the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados – n. 13.709/2018), Therefore, all personal data informed to this journal shall be used exclusively for the purposes of this publication, not available for any other uses or parties.

The personal data treatment period ends either at the request by the user, through a free and simple procedure, or when the purpose for its use is achieved. Furthermore, all personal information is excluded when they are no longer necessary or relevant to the services provided by this journal, save when there are any other reasons for its continuance, for example, when there’s an eventual data preservation need established by a specific law.

For the comprehension and systematization of the data used, the Data Protection General Law (LGPD, in Portuguese) defines the subjects and operations involved in the process. In this case, as it refers to a periodical scientific journal, the seriousness with which the data is treated obliges both the normative and editorial business regulations.

In such manner, the data collected is intimately linked with the activities performed by a periodical scientific  journal, hence, the information required for the registry in our system is: Name; e-mail; and data referring to the user’s academic profile, as well as information needed for the user’s identification within the system, such as username and password.

The data we collect are used to fulfill the following demands:

-  To satisfy our obligations towards the CAPES system as a periodical scientific journal of excellence, attending its evaluation criteria;

- To internally manage the data in order to allow a better performance of the RED|UnB’s Editorial Team;

-  To carry out internal operations such as problem solving, data analyses and research;

-  To verify and validate your identity, for registry and legal purposes;

-  To prevent potentially illegal activities, combat fraud and cybernetic crimes.

Moreover, we indicate and inform about your access to your own data through the journal’s system, as well as the possibility of altering it by contacting the RED|UnB’s Board of Directors  by the e-mail

We inform that we may update or modify this privacy policy. We recommend you revisit it periodically as to keep informed about our data protection measures and actions taken in order to preserve it.

University of Brasilia Law Students' Journal’s (Revista dos Estudantes de Direito da Universidade de Brasília [RED|UnB]) Board of Directors  - Print ISSN: 1981-9684 / Eletronic ISSN: 2177-6458.