English Language alumni of UnB: academic education and employability as source of information for reflections on the course



Alumni, Professional education, Social insertion, Language undergraduation course, Teacher


This article presents and discusses the results of a research that aimed to investigate the employability of students graduated from the Licentiate in Letters-English at the University of Brasília, as well as to collect data on their perception of the quality of their initial professional training and their insertion in the labor market. The study was demanded by the university, as part of the strategic actions to meet the institutional self-assessment program recommended in the guidelines of the National Higher Education Assessment System (Sinaes). The totality of participants in this research corresponds to 69 alumni graduated between 2005 and 2019. Data were collected through the application of an online questionnaire, and the results reveal that the largest portion of graduates is active in the area of foreign language teaching and its insertion in the labor market is distributed among different public and private educational contexts. As to how they evaluate the course and their undergraduate training, they perceive that they had an excellent linguistic training, but indicate necessary improvements, especially concerning pedagogical training and the university infrastructure available for the course.


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How to Cite

English Language alumni of UnB: academic education and employability as source of information for reflections on the course. Revista Desempenho, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 33, p. 107–129, 2023. Disponível em: https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/rd/article/view/44989. Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.

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