The use and the promotional role of academic library sites: lessons from UnB Central Library

o caso da Biblioteca Central da Universidade de Brasília


  • Tatiara Paranhos Guimarães


User studies, Online promotion, Academic library


This study analyses the use of University of Brasilia Central Library site by faculty and students of Information Science Graduate Program, and their point of view related to the site as a promotional instrument. Data collection was supported by a questionnaire filled by thirty people. Results indicate that the majority uses the site at least once a month, and considers easy its navigation. Among the most accessed links are the information about products and services offered by the Library and the online catalog. The less accessed link refers to library news. The majority of the people consulted thinks that the site studied is a promotional instrument and that a site is essential for that promotion. At last it is recommended that the library carry out studies to identify users needs and opinion, to prepare an online promotional plan and intensify the sites publishment to the academic community



How to Cite

The use and the promotional role of academic library sites: lessons from UnB Central Library: o caso da Biblioteca Central da Universidade de Brasília. (1999). Revista De Biblioteconomia De Brasília, 23(1), 109-118.