The question of communication between professionals and patients of a sexual and reproductive health department
Communication. Sexual and reproductive health. Expert-user relationship. Persuasive efficacy.Abstract
The present study addresses the communication processes between the Health Department staff and the patients who receive treatment at both the Sexual and Reproductive Health Department of Hospital JB Iturraspe (Santa Fe ”“ Argentina) and also the community health centers that belong to its Planning Area. This reflection focuses on the design, implementation and interpretation of exploratory interviews, the first step to be carried out in a quantitative research. The results obtained were taken as data to elaborate questions for a survey. In this context, interactions between common and expert knowledge are viewed in connection to power distribution, identifying the voices of authority and the different ways in which problems are understood and addressed. We render explicit the need to reinforce the communicational analysis at the micro-level in the doctor-patient relation with a macro- level analysis, that is, at the level of social structures. In so doing, concrete conditions of injustice are identified which bring about adaptive preferences among individuals.
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